FnB has a team of experienced, first rate professionals dedicated to providing quality services to the Event Planning Industry.
As a full service hotel consulting company with experienced we are able to bring and operate, conferences, meetings and events to your hotel, sometimes negotiating rates and discounts on your behalf. Our extensive portfolio of conference and event management services also includes co-operators are necessary to help you make an event package which is more attractive to your customers. We give you the support to ensure things run smoothly and according to plan.
Our in-depth knowledge and many years experience of event organizing enables us to help you create high quality, innovative events for any budget and size of group. From sports tournaments to family reunions, national conventions to corporate meetings. We want every event to be a great success.
We provide property performance reviews, special troubleshooting assignments, and development of multi-year performance plans. In addition, we assist centers with associated entities such as sport activities, country clubs, office parks, and resorts.